White Fillings

Traditional silver metal (or amalgam) fillings are a combination of silver shavings, zinc, copper, tin, and mercury which has been used for 150 years due to their  durability and affordability in the repair of teeth affected by decay, cracks or fractures. Whilst amalgam fillings are strong and last a long time there have been concerns over the last decade about health issues arising from them.  There is concern by some over the potential toxicity of mercury, as recent testing has identified that very small amounts of mercury (in vapour form) can be released as the amalgam filling wears. While both NZ health officials & the FDA consider dental amalgam fillings safe for adults and children ages 6 and above - research continues.

Many people are now having their amalgam fillings removed and replaced with white fillings. 

Advances in dental technology have created a broader range of choices with white fillings which are also known as composite resin or tooth coloured fillings. White fillings are made from acrylic and glass particles, contain no toxic substances, and can produce a virtually invisible, long lasting, safer alternative that can be expertly matched by our dentists to the colour of your teeth.  The composite seals the tooth by bonding to the tooth tissue from the inside, strengthening the tooth and molding easily to the correct shape.

Depending on your dental hygiene and care protocol, composite fillings can last up to 12-15 years with no hassles. You should expect the filling to hold its strength for at least 5 years.