Teeth Whitening

Teeth can be discoloured for a number of reasons.  As we get older our teeth lose that lovely white of our childhood. Age is not the main factor as diet and medications can also have an effect on the colour of your teeth. Whitening is an easy way to turn back time and improve your smile.

There are many methods of whitening teeth and they all have their benefits. However, we use the take home system as it gives gentle, long lasting effects without causing problems with the enamel and sensitivity. 

At your first appointment we give you a full hygienist scale and polish to make sure that there is no plaque build up.  We also check your gum health and any fillings or crowns that you may have before assessing your suitability for whitening. We then take a precise mold of your teeth which we will use to make a unique bleaching tray that will fit perfectly around your teeth to the gum line.

A few days later there is a second appointment. This time, we fit the bleaching tray and make sure it’s comfortable. We then give you tubes of a special bleach to use at home with instructions for how to use it and to care for your teeth while bleaching.

Two weeks later we have a follow up appointment so that we can check the progress of the whitening as well as the sensitivity of your teeth. If you still want to go whiter we will assess if you need more tubes. If there is sensitivity we will provide products to help with that.

There may be a need for another review two weeks later.